Arifahanum’s Weblog

Desember 16, 2008

Adik anum dapet SIM

Filed under: Uncategorized — arifahanum @ 8:17 am

Iya… sabtu kemarin tanggal 13 Desember…
Adik perempuan saya, namanya Gadih, dapat SIM.
Fakta di lapangan…:
1. Satu-satunya cewek yang di tes nyetir kendaraan beroda empat dari pagi sampai siang pada hari itu…
2. Sekali di tes langsung lulus… Jarang terjadi yang kayak gini juga…
3. Nggak pake “uang tambahan”… jujur dan dapat dipercaya… hehe…
4. Satu-satunya yang lulus tes mobil dari pagi sampe siang…
5. Pak polisi bilang kalo dia pintar….

Perut lapar… otak makin pintar…

Filed under: Uncategorized — arifahanum @ 8:13 am

Ada penelitian yang bilang kalo dengan perut yang lapar, daya tangkap kita saat belajar lebih cepat dibanding perut yang kenya…
Kenapa yah?
Tapi bukan berarti orang yang kreatif itu harus dalam keadaan lapar kan? Justru jangan sampai lapar…
Kalau lagi laper…. bawaannya jadi mikirin yang enggak-enggak… jadinya malah membuat kita merasa tertekan… jadi kreatifitas nggak muncul…
yah itu pendapat saya… hehe…
ada komentar kah?

mitos2 yang menghambat kreatifitas…

Filed under: Uncategorized — arifahanum @ 8:07 am

sumber : Esther Widhi Andangsari
Katanya ada beberapa mitos yang katanya membuat orang jadi lebih kreatif, tapi justru membuat orang2 terhambat kreatifitasnya…
Mitos-mitos itu adalah:
1. orang yang kreatif adalah orang-orang yang tipenya kreatif
Padahal, kesempatan tiap orang menjadi kreatif sebenarnya sama saja. Hanya, bagaimana memanfaatkan kesempatan itu yang membuat orang menjadi berbeda-beda kreatifitasnya…
2.uang adalah pendorong munculnya kreatifitas
Kalo diliat dari mitosnya, bisa jadi yang bersangkutan terus-terusan mikirin uang yang menjadi motivatornya. Tapi, kalo yang dipikirin uang melulu kan bahaya…
3. kreatifitas muncul karena adanya tekanan deadline…
Ini yang menarik… mitos ini saya pertanyakan terus-menerus. Secara di kuliah Creativity and Innovation kemarin, yang saya simpulkan, untuk menjadi seorang yang kreatif harus berpembawaan tenang… Tapi mitos ini kebalikan dari yang saya pelajari. Hehe… ternyata hanya mitos yah…
Kalau dianalogikan dengan ketika ada orang yang dikejar anjing… sebenarnya bukan kreatifitasnya yang bertambah… tapi tenaganya yang bertambah biar bisa lari dari anjingnya…
4. Kompetisi memunculkan kreatifitas
Cuma mitos! soalnya, kompetisi itu menciptakan suasana yang mencekam dan menekan…
Orang nggak akan bisa kreatif kalo dalam keadaan tertekan seperti itu…

memunculkan kreatifitas itu sebenarnya nggak melelahkan…
ikutin aja kata hati… Berpembawaan tenang… dan yakin bahwa semua masalah akan ada penyelesaiannya….
Hehe… kayanya saya termasuk orang yang percaya kata hati… hoho

Filed under: Uncategorized — arifahanum @ 1:56 am


My Comment and Analysis

By Farisah Arifahanum – 19006111

Creative people have a great deal of physical energy, but they’re
also often quiet and at rest.

Creative people full of energy
when they express what found. It because of, for them, the process to find it,
is a really precious thing. So, they way to appreciate it with express it
confidently and certainly. It will make people interested about what they said.
But, there is a time when creative people are quiet and at rest. At this
moment, for me, it likes they try to calm for finding the new one. I think,
when they quiet, their quiet will be an inspiration for people. That is the
charisma as a creative people. Hehe…

Creative people tend to be smart yet naive at the same time.

Yes. I think, they smart when
they said about what they think, because it rare to be thought by the other.

Yes, they naive. Because,
somehow, the thing they talk is simple and people always think in a harder

Creative people combine playfulness and discipline, or
responsibility and irresponsibility.

Kedua kombinasi diatas memang
terasa aneh, karena memang bertolak belakang.

I think the definition of
playfulness in here that creative people have a freedom to express themselves.
They really enjoy every time in their life for communicating with people,
playing, going to someplace, and do anything which not routines for the other
people. But, behind that, they list their targets to do. Every thing they do is
to fulfil their targets. Their targets are what they want. Most of those wants
reached their willingness to be different between people.

That is the way the discipline
of creative people evident. They list their plans and targets according to what
they want and do those plans with the way they would like. But, the consequence
they take is they have to reach their targets.

Creative people alternate between imagination and fantasy,
and a rooted sense of reality.

In one time, creative people
will talk about what they want, based on their imagination. But, after that,
there will be a real reason that they will revealed. It could be happened
conversely. This paradox continued with the previous paradox which said that
creative people is playfulness and smart.

At this paradox, creative
people smart when they said about their thinking result. Their imagination used
at that time. But, conversely, there are strength reasons why they think about
that. It could be come from their experience or what they see.

Creative people trend to be both extroverted and

Creative people open their mind
when they talk to people. They talk seems like they do not have a millstone to
express their thought. They always think that it will be better for them to say
their thought. But, they will silent if they think it will be better when their
quite and “carry well”.

Creative people are humble and proud at the same time.

Absolutely, I agree with this paradox.
Creative people take an altruistic pose when they get praise from other people.
They certainly receive the praise kindly. Nevertheless, when they response the
praise, they will said in an altruistic tone and nice content proved that they
are a great people.

Creative people, to an extent, escape rigid gender role

It doesn’t matter if they woman
or man, creative people will content their life with the whole thing that they
actually want. To be creative, there is no limitation to think and to do
something, although for some people, what they do or they said are weird,
scary, and hard to be received.

Creative people are both rebellious and conservative.

Of course, when they deliver
their thought, there is no right for us to constrain them. Recently, the
thought of creative can be an inspiration for us to find a thing for solving
the problem.

They are conservative for themselves.
They like to put in order themselves for reaching their goals. Creative people
appraise that a person who able to order them is themselves.

Most creative people are very passionate about their work,
yet they can be extremely objective about it as well.

Their passion on their work can
help them to make their job done faster. They must love their job, so their
inspiration can go out easily.

But, somehow, they think that
they need an inspiration from the other condition. At this time, they are very
objective to see the environment. It based on their wants and they needs.

Creative people’s openness and sensitivity often exposes
them to suffering and pain, yet also to a great deal of enjoyment.

Like previous paradox, that
said creative people extroverted and introverted, it included the way they
express they feel. When they sad or angry, they will never govern themselves to
unbosom (spend their feels). They feel free to express their feeling. There is
no one has a right to limit them talk about their opinion. It applied equally
when they feel fun and enjoy the nuance they got. They will say that they truly
happy and want to have more time enjoy that moment.


bahasa Indonesia ya Pak… ^o^)

Menurut saya, semua paradox
dari seseorang yang kreatif itu, mempunyai inti bahwa orang yang kreatif itu
adalah sosok yang bebas, tapi pada tempatnya. Mereka tahu bagaimana bersikap,
mengambil hati orang lain, juga membahagiakan diri sendiri. Kadang mereka
bersikap tertutup, tapi kadang mereka sangat terbuka dalam mengungkapkan
pendapat. Jadi, kesimpulannya, kunci dari kreatifitas itu adalah kebebasan.

November 13, 2008

a letter for barrack obama!

Filed under: Uncategorized — arifahanum @ 3:22 pm

Dear Mr. Barrack Obama,

                First, congratulation for your victory in the election! Even though I’m not your people, I’m sure you can be a good president for America. I believe that you can find the ways to solve many problems there.

                As we all know, six years ago the world was shocked by the explosion in Bali. It killed many people. But it wasn’t over at that time; some places like Marriot Hotel (Jakarta), Australia Ambassador Building (Jakarta) were exploded by the terrorists either. It made people scare, even to go out from their house.

                Finally, the police arrested the first Bali explosion prime suspects about a year ago. They were Imam Samudra, Amrozi, and Ali Imron alias Muklas. They were known as Trio Bali Bomb. And they got execution as the punishment.

                Before the execution, maybe they called what they did is a struggle for their God or “jihad”. But please believe me, even they were Muslims, but Islam never teach us to kill people with no guilty.

                So, what I’m trying to say is I ask you to make the world stop thinking that Muslims are identical with terrorists. And if there will be a terrorism action again maybe we can try to defeat them together. So we can keep our world save.

                So, this is my letter for you. Thank you for  the attention! Bye!


Oktober 20, 2008

Global Warming (update)

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tag: — arifahanum @ 2:06 pm

Global warming is one of the world phenomenons when the world becomes overheat. Many scientists said some reasons of this disaster. They said some of them are green house -effect, the using of the CFCs, etc.
How can they cause the global warming?
As we know, green house is a place where we can plant many plants in every season. It was made to keep the plants warm so they can grow well. And now, what does green house-effect mean? It means an effect when most of the sun ray isn’t bounced back to outer space, but is reserved by our atmosphere. And it’ll make the heat of the sun keep in our earth.
CFC is a chemical substance that can make a hole in the ozone layer. So the sun ray will go straight into the earth directly. And certainly it can accelerate the global warming. We can find this substance in some products like perfumes, refrigerators, and air-conditioners.

What is the effect of the global warming?

Global warming can make the ice in the world will melt. If it really happened, it would be a huge flood in this earth. Many scientists calculated the flood will make the sea-level will increase about 64 meters. They worried some places nearby the sea will sink, especially Holland. Even everyone in this world sure such disaster will come in the next 1000 years. The problem is this disaster becomes faster and faster since this 21st century.

How can we handle it?

There are some ways to handle this problem. First, we must realize that we are the cause of it too. Then, the second step is decreasing the using CFC products, because we can’t just stop using them. Because the fact is those things are very important for our lives. Other solution is plant some trees. We can find illegal logging easily, many irresponsible people cut many trees without replanted them anymore. We can handle it by no littering too. Because the trash will make the global warming is getting worse, especially the smell.
So from now, we have to admit that we can avoid the global warming. Don’t let our earth become so ruin. I’m sure, if we kept the environment safe, we would slow the global warming, even stop it.

Plagiarism… Kreatif-kah?

Filed under: Uncategorized — arifahanum @ 12:38 am

Plagiarism… Kata yang maknanya negatif ini biasanya suka ada di telinga saya selama tiga tahun ini. Banyak hal yang bisa membuat kita ter-statement melakukan plagiarism.. Misalnya saja dengan tidak menulis sumber atau penulis yang membuat sesuatu yang kita tulis ulang..


Plagiarisme adalah penjiplakan atau pengambilan karangan, pendapat, dan sebagainya dari orang lain dan menjadikannya seolah karangan dan pendapat sendiri.Plagiat dapat dianggap sebagai tindak pidana karena mencuri hak cipta orang lain. ( ).

Definisi ini saya ambil dari wikipedia indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas.

Jika dilihat dari definisinya, plagiarism hanya berkisar di dunia tulis menulis. Bukan fashion, otomotif, dan lain-lain.

Menurut saya, plagiarism itu bukan sesuatu hal yang kreatif. Alasannya karena dengan melakukan hal itu, kita telah melarang diri kita untuk melakukan sesuatu yang lebih luar biasa lagi. Mengapa kita tidak pernah berpikir bahwa orang yang kita jiplak karyanya bisa kita kalahkan? Kenapa kita nggak percaya diri, bahwa kita bisa melahirkan sesuatu yang jauh lebih baik dari yang dia hasilkan?

Jadi, bisa saya tarik kesimpulan bahwa orang-orang yang melakukan plagiarisme (plagiator) adalah orang yang tidak percaya pada dirinya sendiri. Padahal, kalau kita mau kreatif, kita harus percaya pada kemampuan kita. Kita harus percaya bahwa diri kita kreatif…

Oktober 16, 2008

billy! here is my assigment!^0^ -gadih-

Filed under: Uncategorized — arifahanum @ 2:01 pm

dear billy.
i still can’t sign up the wordpress. so i’ll do my tasks here.

text 1

Global warming is one of world phenomenons when the earth becomes overheat. One of the effect is the ice in Antartica and Arctic will melt. It will cause the sea-level increase. If it relly happen,it would be a big flood in this earth.
How it can happen? We must realise,many reasons of this disaster come from our own mistakes. First,the using of parfumes,refrigerator,air conditioner,etc. These products have CFC on them. CFC is a chemical substance that can make a hole in ozone layer. So the sun ray will go straight into the earth directly. It can accelerate the global warming. so if we kept use those products,we would make the hole bigger and bigger.
Actually we can handle this problem by decreasing the using of those products but we can’t just stop our habits suddenly because the fact is those things are very important for our lifes. So other solution is plant trees. But now we always find illegal logging all the time. Many unresponsible people cut trees without replant them anymore.
So i think we have to admit that we can avoid the global warming. Because our earth has already been ruined. I’m sure that if we kept the environment save,we would slow the global warming.

text 2
A Bomb Hits a School in Pakistan

i think even the country has a war. we cannot let public facilities,like hospital,market,even school being attacked. we must keep the citizens feel save. So,how about just stop the war? because it means nothing. as the powerful men,they must be sad when they realise that their people live desperately.

Oktober 15, 2008

Sosok yang paling kreatif?

Filed under: Uncategorized — arifahanum @ 2:28 am

Mmmm… sosok yang paling kreatif… Sebenarnya pas aku lagi nulis ini juga ngga begitu “ngeuh” sih… Kira-kira siapa? Nggak kepikiran juga siy… Kalau para ahli ilmu science yang menciptakan suatu rumus baru, itu disebut kreatif juga nggak?

Kalau saya diminta menyebutkan nama siapa yang paling kreatif, kayaknya nggak ada bayangan.. Tapi, kalau diminta secara general, i will try…!!

Sosok yang kreatif itu, menurut saya, adalah sosok yang mau memberontak. Maksudnya bukan memberontak dalam arti negatif, tapi yang positifnya… Kayak pengen sesuatu yang lebih hebat, atau bosen dengan keadaan mobil yang bentuknya kaya gitu aja… Atau pengen membuat sesuatu yang ukurannya beda dari yang biasanya… Sesuatu yang jarang terpikirkan oleh orang lain, dan tiba-tiba terpikirkan oleh dirinya sendiri.

Nah, saya sempet mikir kalo sosok paling kreatif itu adalah sosok yang mampu membuat orang untuk lebih kreatif lagih..

Itu aja siy…

Mohon komentarnya… ^_^

September 1, 2008

Kenapa perlu KREATif??

Filed under: Uncategorized — arifahanum @ 2:22 am

Kenapa yah?

Mungkin biar kita bisa lolos dari hukuman, makanya kita harus kreatif memberikan alasan… Atau karena kita ingin beda dari orang lain… Atau kita bosan dengan keadaan yang berlangsung sama, teratur setiap hari…

Kalau menurut aku siy, kreatif itu suatu gebrakan… Nggak perlu mencari sesuatu yang baru atau yang belum pernah ada… Asal menjadikan sesuatu itu lebih menarik… Itu bisa disebut kreatif..


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